Our doctors

Andronik Kalaijyan

Head of the neurosurgery clinic

Phone Number

Аuthor of 41st published work. He was awarded the honorary title of "Honored Doctor of the Republic of Armenia" for his significant contribution and merit in the development of the RA healthcare sector.


Yerevan State Medical University, medical faculty


Neurosurgery clinical residency, Department of Nervous Diseases, Yerevan State Medical University

1984-1987 (Moscow city)

targeted post-graduate course in neurosurgery: Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR after N.N. Burdenko. at the Neurosurgery Research Institute

Head of the Neurosurgery Clinic: Asthik MC

He was the head of the Department of Neurosurgery "Mikaelyan Institute of Surgery" CJSC, and the head of the Department of Neurosurgery of the National Institute of Health of the Republic of Armenia of the Ministry of Health named after S. H. Avdalbekyan. 

He worked as a neurosurgeon at a clinic in Dubai (UAE) for 2 years.

Consultation of the head of the neurosurgery department 15000 դ
Organization Accredited by Joint Commission International

Organization Accredited by Joint Commission International