
"Astghik" medical center is the largest medical institution of the republic, where the population is provided multi-professional and highly qualified medical care in accordance with world standards. Thanks to the scientific, clinical and educational activities of specialists, cooperation with leading medical institutions, constant introduction of modern technologies by the leading companies "Siemens", "Dreger", "Storz", "Roche", "Olympus", "Astghik" medical center is widely recognized. to bring both within our country and beyond its borders. "Astghik" medical center is distinguished by its professional medical staff, which actively cooperates with the leading clinics of the Russian Federation, Europe and the USA, where the center's specialists are regularly trained. The center also actively cooperates with the medical centers of RA marzes, not only organizing on-site charitable visits, but also conducting seminars, conferences and exchange of experience with local specialists. "Astghik" medical center is a new word in the healthcare system of Armenia and aspires to become the best. "Astghik" is a high benchmark for the RA healthcare sector.

Customers about us

We thank the following doctors for performing and treating my mother (Oganezova Nadezhda, 77 years old): Managing Cardiologist - Gevorgyan Gagik, Head of Cardiac Surgery Service - Susani Mher, Head of Arrhythmology-Cardiology Service - Kartoyan Z., Chief Physician - Kurghinyan R. M.

Kristina Oganezova


The other day, we transferred my daughter to the ENT department of the Astghik Medical Center with her critical condition. I was horrified to see the wretched condition of my patient... Associate professor Nune Robertovna, a specialist in medical sciences, took the treatment into her own hands. He performed an inner ear surgery with deep professional knowledge and skill. During the post-operative treatment, my daughter was in his reliable hands. I looked at my patient with a mother's heart, I was scared, but seeing the doctor's calm, hopeful and caring attitude, I was encouraged.... Nune Ronertovna spared no effort to get the patient out of a difficult situation. He even had to walk up eight floors to the hospital room. I am thinking. I don't know if it was fate or luck that my daughter became a patient of the benevolent larynx specialist Nune Robertovna... although the larynx department of the Medical Center is staffed with other knowledgeable specialists, including Artur Shukuryan. In a word, it is a wonderful department, everyone, the medical staff and every other employee, willingly and unexpectedly provide their direct assistance to the patients. It remains for me to express my deep gratitude and thanks to the worthy doctor Nune Robertovna and the rest of my patients. The smile of my recovered daughter makes me feel this way....

Rima Simonyan


I have been treated in the Chemotherapy Department for about 2 years. I am very grateful to the head of the department, Hasmik Petrosyan, and the staff for their good attitude not only towards me, but also towards other patients. And yesterday, before I entered the department, I felt sick and received the caring attitude of the staff, especially thanks to doctors Adrine, Aghavnu, nurses Anna, Gayane, Arpine, employees from Silva and Anahit. I felt like I was in the hands of a relative, they showed high professional knowledge and human attitude.

Hermine Gevorgyan


I thank the staff of Astghik Medical Center, especially high-class specialists neuropathologist Karine Harutyunyan, neurosurgeon Avetis Kirakosyan for caring for my son, a participant in the Artsakh war.

Arthur Simonyan


I'm Suzanna Sukiasyan, express my deep gratitude to Jirayr Malakyan, head of the Oncology Gynecology Service of "Astghik" Medical Center, as a professional specialist and a good person. With a diagnosis incompatible with life, I came to the homeland from the Russian Federation and I was not mistaken, because my fear of living or not living was dispelled in "Astghik" medical center in the presence of oncologist Zhirayr Malakyan and obstetrician-gynecologist Hayk Eloyan. Dear doctors, thank you and grateful. At the same time, I became convinced again that being a real doctor is more of a mission than a profession. THANK YOU

Syuzanna Sukiasyan


Thank you to the Astghik medical center for your willing, kind and caring attitude. Very good approach, special attention to the soldier. I am a soldier's mother, we have been going to Astghik medical center since October and we have already become close to our dear doctors. Thank you, thank you for your kindness. , intelligent, caring attitude. Thank you for bringing Tigranis to life, thank you for everything, words are not enough for the work you did. Yes, you also fought for every life, every life was precious to you, like the life of a child to its mother.

Ani Martirosyan


The best medical center in Armenia, both in terms of service and caring attitude!! I admire especially Nana Yervandovna Malkhasyan for her caring attitude towards my parents. Let there be many such centers and professional staff in our country!!

Nune Grigoryan


Organization Accredited by Joint Commission International

Organization Accredited by Joint Commission International