Vascular neurosurgery department
The vascular neurosurgery department of Astghik Medical Center is equipped with all the necessary requirements for comprehensive stroke centers defined by the Ministry of Health.
Our services include:
Acute Stroke Service: Intravenous Thrombolysis and Mechanical Thrombectomy
An innovative treatment of acute ischemic stroke is carried out by intravascular thrombolytic drug injection and endovascular thrombus removal.
The basis for the organization of the acute cerebral palsy service is the diagnosis of ischemic cerebral palsy in the patient within 0-24 hours after the appearance of clinical signs. The service also includes dynamic control, monitoring, diagnosis and treatment of transient ischemic attacks.
The strategy of the service is to provide quality medical care in accordance with the requirements of modern medicine, for the implementation of which the department has the necessary staffing and technical equipment. It includes the presence of emergency treatment and service room for stroke, neurointensive therapy, acute and subacute stroke department, state-of-the-art radiation diagnostic and catheter laboratory, stroke a multi-functional team with the participation of a neurologist, stroke nurse, neuroradiologist, neurosurgeon, speech therapist, kinesist, etc.
Our specialists work on a 24/7 basis, with clearly defined procedures and guidelines, providing a multidisciplinary approach to each patient from first aid to stroke rehabilitation.
- Subtraction cerebral angiography
It is intended for the diagnosis of various vascular diseases of the brain, such as atherosclerotic lesions of the neck and intracranial vessels, arterio-venous malformations, aneurysms of the cerebral vessels, etc.
- Extracranial balloon angioplasty and stenting
It is used in the case of atherosclerotic vascular disease to prevent ischemic stroke and improve cerebral blood circulation.
- Outpatient stroke service
Assessment of the risk of cerebral palsy, identification of etiology, primary and secondary preventive measures using targeted therapies are carried out.
- Physiotherapy and speech therapy service
Includes specialized rehabilitation therapies in the early stroke and post-stroke period, helping to restore patients' self-care, daily activities and quality of life.
Implementation of outreach and education programs for at-risk population groups, primary care professionals and other stroke professionals.