Department of Cardiology and Arrhythmology
The department provides outpatient and inpatient care:
Outpatient care provided in the department includes:
➤ Electrocardiography (ECG)
➤ Echocardiography
➤ Holter monitoring (24-hour ECG)
➤ Event monitoring (recording of heartbeat episodes)
➤ Checking the operation of pacemakers
➤ Physical activity (treadmill) test, blood pressure monitoring.
On-site consultations are also possible. Inpatient services.
➤Cardiac Catheterization
➤Selective Angiography of the Heart Vessels (Coronary Angiography)
➤Angiography of the Main Vessels of the Upper and Lower Extremities, Brain and Kidneys
➤Balloon Angioplasty and Stenting of the Heart Vessels
➤Implantation of Pacemakers, Cardioverter-Defibrillators, Cardiac Resynchronization Devices and Diagnostic Mini-Systems
➤Electrophysiological Studies of the Heart for All Types of Arrhythmias (This is an intracardiac study for diagnosing rapid, irregular heart rhythm disturbances, radiofrequency ablation of ventricular and supraventricular arrhythmias).
Comfortable and unprecedentedly safe conditions have been created for patients and staff. Thanks to the specialized, professional, medical and administrative staff, modern equipment and regularly invited specialists from abroad, the department has won the trust of its patients. All specialists of the department undergo regular training and specialization in renowned clinics in Europe and the USA, at European and international professional congresses. Cardiologists of the department are members of a number of European professional associations, including certified members of the European Cardiology Association, the Heart Failure Association (HFA), the European Cardiac Arrhythmia Association (ECAS) and the European Invasive Cardiology. Leading specialists from Moscow, the Czech Republic, Germany, Austria, France and the USA are regularly invited to the cardiology and arrhythmology center.
If necessary, remote consultations are conducted with these specialists. The cardiology and arrhythmology department of the Astghik Medical Center is the only center in the RA where radiation ablation of the atria is performed - isolation of the pulmonary veins։
The department is also unique in the RA for the following services:
➤The department conducts stress echocardiographic studies․
➤Medical care is provided to children suffering from heart rhythm disorders․
➤Invasive interventions: pacemaker implantation and ablation․
➤A digital card index of the complete medical history of patients has been created, which ensures their constant medical monitoring, allows assessing the results of the treatment and the prevalence of this disease in the region.
➤The department organizes seminars for cardiologists and practicing doctors of the RA and the region.
➤A scholarship program for young doctors is in effect․
➤Internal seminars are organized to improve the continuous professional education of the department employees.
➤Training materials for doctors and patients are published.